Thanks for Sharing, a Movie

And now, we need to go and take a deep look into this movie, Thanks For Sharing. Yeah, I had to grab my keyboard and sit in front of my iPad and start typing while the memory of the movie is still fresh in my mind.

Sex Addiction

How can anything like Sex Addiction even exist? It has got to be a pathology, psycho or physiological, but there is no way it can be anything normal. And if it is such—a pathology—it has to be something culturally induced.

Human brains are incredibly complicated; they will make their bearers chase that which might seem scarce at any one time in their existence. If it was food, then they would go after food like crazy, even after their stomachs were totally full.

But the human body does develop itches; I mean, if you start using tobacco with too much frequency, you will get hooked into it; your body will have adopted it and will make you crave for it. Then you will start a fight with yourself to end the habit or the addiction to nicotine.

Alcohol makes people dizzy but the effect of feeling dizzy is quite different among different folks; some will not want the dizziness to stop and they will continue drinking in order to maintain the pleasurable uninhibited feeling. Some will enjoy the dizziness but will be happy to stop it by enjoying eating some food that they know will have the effect of bringing them back to normal.

Why the two different—so different—reactions? Is it biochemical or is it psychological? What makes some actively fight for continuing the party and dizziness, while completely the opposite is true for other folks, who might enjoy the dizziness for a while but will be happy and satisfied to return to normal?

A Hidden Something

It is tempting to speculate that perhaps the difference comes from the inner vision of the individual within him/herself. Some individuals are capable of seeing themselves psychologically and culturally naked in front of themselves; they do not hide anything from themselves; they can think about themselves and their personal history that they do not like or accept; and yet they can continue to function without trying to blame it on others.

Other individuals have memories that flash into their conscious state for milliseconds and then they go away; something in their minds generates a barrier, a strong wall, a contention damp that needs to stop the forbidden memories to come to their consciousness.

Then, when they drink, something happens; is it perhaps that they are capable of contemplating those flashes of secret memories for longer periods of time? Is it perhaps that the vision of those secret and forbidden memories is no longer reason for regret or bad feelings?

The Forbidden Experience

A child has a moment, a feeling, a brief experience; the moment stays carved in her/his memory and is not a problem until the memory is confronted with a negative classification by cultural standards. There is no trauma if the experience is lived under a consciousness of acceptance—even if negatively qualified by society—but the feeling is destructive if the social qualification comes after it has been had and the individual allowed pleasure to be had and even enjoyed the lived experience.

The sin has been executed; the mind system must do something in order to let the individual continue to be functional, since a guilt spot has been formed and will probably continue to grow and get worse if the individual continues to keep it hidden and never openly confronts it.

Confronting the negative experience must be a process in which the individual heals from the sickness acquired as an action the individual enjoyed turns out to be negatively qualified by the cultural standards in which the individual is now evolving.

DNA Biochemistry

If the biochemistry that determines what happens to an individual when she/he drinks alcohol is something embedded in her/his physiology, then there is little that can be done to control what happens during drinking events of the individual. Perhaps even a totally clean consciousness—free of negatively qualified post-execution experiences—will suffer from temporary perception deterioration during alcoholic effects.

Two important individual state qualities can be analyzed:

  1. Does the individual insist on continuing drinking?
  2. Does the individual actively seek drinking occasions?

Surprisingly—or not—both states or tendencies come together, in pairs; if the individual is the kind that does not like to stop—by enjoying food—the dizziness of alcohol drinking, we will find that the individual also has a tendency to actively look for drinking happenings.

The Other Factors

In addition to those possibly DNA embedded tendencies, we need to look for post-execution negatively qualified biographical experiences of the individual; if such experiences are present in the mind system of the individual—conscious or subconsciously—then the effects of experimenting at least some of the following…

  • Alcohol
  • Sex
  • Drugs
  • Frustration

…will differ from individual to individual. Of all the above experiences, sex should never be included; but it must be due to the negative connotation and conditioned circumstances for it to happen dictated by the society of the individual.
